About Cornerstone Acupuncture

Dr. Ning Ma, the founder of Cornerstone Acupuncture, is a leader in the field of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine, as well as holding a medical doctorate in China. With over 30 years of diagnosis and treatment experience, Dr. Ma’s treatment philosophy spans the traditional and contemporary medicinal spectrum offering perspectives and solutions unique to Cornerstones’ care philosophy

Acupuncture is a medical practice, which originated from China more than 3,500 years ago. It is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an integral ancient medical system. The goal of acupuncture is to stimulate specific points on the body in order to achieve health, well being, and balance.
There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the body. These points are interconnected through energy pathways or “meridians”.
When you come to Cornerstone Acupuncture you are in the hands of a highly experienced staff trained in supportive techniques to complement your treatment. Our peaceful setting and heated rooms are the perfect

“We call him Dr. Ma, not Ning (his first name), to indicate our respect for his knowledge, his experience
Although, Dr. Ma shies from the term “magic man”, I can’t help myself but
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(212) 448-9898
Most major insurance carriers are accepted.
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